Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Belles at the Fernwood Ball

I wanted to share some of the glorious flowers I have a chance to dance with in my garden.
The red poppy was discovered at the garden center where I worked-she stopped me in my tracks and I knew she had to be in my garden-even though it doesn't get as much sun as she would like. The red is brilliant and inspires me to have a scarlet , vampy petticoat someday. I think the name is "Belle of Liverpool." The white clematis is another beauty-blooms are almost 8" across and her name is "Duchess of Edinbourgh." (I think). Don't you just love the names? The foxglove are
incredible this year-some stand over 5' tall and given that they naturalize, it is an added bonus.
The lime green foliage with purple flowers is a hardy geranium and happily blooms all summer. The screaming "chartrocity" of the color is a great foil against the purple. I will be thinning out the yellow poppies but only after their luscious petals are finished twirling.


Cynthia said...

I love flowers