Friday, January 13, 2012

Evergreen Wreath Making Tutorial

The photos demonstrate the simple steps to making a wreath using a "machine." I hesitate to use the word, machine, as it implies the use of electricity which this does not use. This machine uses a foot pedal which makes the clamp squeeze the wire prongs on the wreath form. The machine is almost "goof proof" and enables even a beginner to easily and quickly make a practically perfect professional looking wreath.

I cut the greens into 10" lengths and layer them in each prong to make an attractive bunch.
Then I step on the pedal to squeeze the two prongs together, capturing the greens in a tight bundle. The wreath form is then moved to the next open prong so when that bunch is clamped, it covers the wires from the previous bunch. And so it goes, all the way around the ring. The wreath shown started as a 12" ring but finishes at about 20-22" in diameter.

I collect evergreen boughs from my property on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound and also purchase noble fir boughs from a local tree farm. Noble fir is good to use as the blue-gray color is gorgeous but the needles are firm and upright. I usually work with the following evergreens: noble fir, Douglas fir, cedar, juniper, cypress,pine, and arborvitae. I also incorporate the stems from deciduous shrubs/trees such as huckleberry, red twig dogwood, birch and will purchase blue juniper berried branches from a florist supply house. Evergreen shrubs such as sarcococca, huckleberry, eounymous, boxwood,and rosemary will often appear as well.

Embellishments in the form of nuts, pods, cinammon sticks, berries, various cones, and gorgeous ribbon will be added appropriately to echo the front door and interior home decor.

I make wreaths to order and also make my two machines available for folks to come and make their own wreath. I provide some of the greens, along with the embellishments.
Once I made a custom wreath made entirely of bearded wheat stalks and another one made up of just blueberry stems. Any product that can be dried or hold-up for a reasonable amount of time can be used. I show some of my wreaths on my website: